ZABBIX 1.8 – 2 Configuration

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2 Configuration

2.1 Host groups

Configuration → Host groups

On this screen you can set up host groups and manage host group information.

A list of existing groups is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Host Group name.
# Number of group members (hosts).
Members List of host group members.

Click on Create Group in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a group. If you wish to edit an existing group, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of a host group.

Configuring a host group

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Group name Unique host group name.
Hosts List of hosts, members of the group.

2.2 Templates

Configuration → Templates

On this screen you can set up and manage host templates.

A list of existing templates is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Template name.
Templates List of hosts linked to this template.

Click on Create Template in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a template. If you wish to edit an existing template, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of a template.

Configuring a template

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Name Unique template name.
Groups List of host groups the template belongs to.
New group New group can be created and linked to the template.
Ignored, if empty.
Hosts/Templates List of hosts/templates linked to the template.
Link with template Link template with one or more templates.
Information about items, triggers and graphs will be inherited from the templates.

2.3 Hosts

Configuration → Hosts

On this screen you can set up hosts and manage host-related information.

A list of monitored hosts is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Unique host name.
DNS Host DNS name if used.
IP Host IP address if used.
Port Zabbix agent port number. Ignored if Zabbix agent items are not used.
Templates List of first and second level (in parenthesis) templates linked to the host.
Status Host Status:
Monitored – Host is active and being monitored
Disabled – Host disabled
Availability Agent (Zabbix, SNMP, IPMI) availability
With the default theme:
green icon – agent is up and running
grey icon – availability is not known
red icon – agent is not available
Error Any errors related to use of agent based checks.

Click on Create Host in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a host. If you wish to edit an existing host, click on its name in the host list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of a host.

Configuring a host

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Name Unique host name.
Groups List of host groups the host belongs to.
New group New group can be created and linked to the host. Ignored, if empty.
DNS name Optional host DNS name.
IP address Optional host IP address.
Connect to Zabbix server will use this setting to retrieve data from agents:
DNS name – Connect to host DNS name
IP address – Connect to host IP (recommended)
Port Zabbix agent TCP port number. Default value is 10050.
Monitored by proxy The host can be monitored either by Zabbix server or one of Zabbix proxies:
(no proxy) – host is monitored by Zabbix server
Proxy name – host is monitored by Zabbix proxy “Proxy name”
Status Host status:
Monitored – Host is active, ready to be monitored
Not monitored – Host is not active, thus not monitored
Link with template Link host with one or more templates. Information about items, triggers and graphs will be inherited from the templates.
Unlink – unlink from template, but preserve information about items, triggers and graphs
Unlink and clear – unlink from template and remove all information inherited from the template
Use IPMI Enable IPMI management functionality for this host.
IPMI IP address IP address of IPMI management device.
IPMI port Port number of the IPMI device.
IPMI privilege level Keep default setting here, User.
IPMI username User name for authentication.
IPMI password Password for authentication.
Use profile Enable or disable use of Host profile.
Use extended profile Enable or disable use of extended Host profile.

Both host and template definition forms include buttons “Clone” and “Full clone”.

“Clone” will add a new host or template based on the configuration parameters of the existing host/template and that will include template linkage (thus also all templated item, trigger, graph and application information from those templates). “Full clone” in addition to that will also clone directly attached items, triggers, graphs and applications.

Note: When a new host is cloned, it will retain all template entities as they are originally on the template. Any changes to those entities made on the existing host level (changed item interval, history period) will not be cloned to the new host; instead they will be as on the template.

Mass-updating hosts

Mass update is a very effective way of changing attributes for a number of hosts at once.

To update some hosts, check them in the host list, then select “Mass update” in the dropdown below the host list and click on “Go”. A form is displayed where you can select what attributes for the hosts you want to update.

2.3.1 Applications

Configuration → Hosts

Configuration → Templates

From the list of hosts or templates you can access the applications that are linked to a host or template by clicking in the Applications column.

On the applications screen you can view and manage applications.

A list of applications linked to the host/template is displayed first. To view the other existing applications, select Group/Host display options in the dropdown menus above.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Application Application name.
Show Link to host items, also displays number of items (members of the application).

Click on Create application in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add an application. If you wish to edit an existing application, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of an application.

Configuring an application

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Name Application name. Must be unique within one host.
Hosts Host name the application is linked to.
2.3.2 Items

Configuration → Hosts

Configuration → Templates

From the list of hosts or templates you can access the items that are linked to a host or template by clicking in the Items column.

On the items screen you can view and manage items.

A list of existing items is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Description Item description (name).
Key Unique item key.
Update interval Frequency of the check.
History Number of days Zabbix keeps detailed historical data.
Trends Number of days Zabbix keeps trends data.
Type Item type.
Status Item status.
Applications List of applications the item belongs to.
Error Any errors related to this item.

Click on Create Item in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add an item. If you wish to edit an existing item, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of an item.

Configuring an item

You can also create a new item from the existing one by pressing the Clone button and then saving under a different name.

Item attributes:

Parameter Description
Description Item description.
It may contain these macros:
$1,$2…$9 – first, second… ninth parameter of item key
For example: Free disk space on $1
If item key is “vfs.fs.size[/,free]”, the description will be automatically changed to “Free disk space on /”
Type Item type. See sections below for detailed description of each type.
Key Item key. The key must be unique within a single host.
The key value must be supported by the agent or Zabbix server if key type is 'Zabbix Agent', 'Zabbix Agent (active)', 'Simple check' or 'Zabbix aggregate'.
Type of information Type of data as stored in the database after performing conversions, if any.
Numeric (unsigned) – 64bit unsigned integer
Numeric (float) – floating point number
Character – character (string) data limited to 255 bytes
Log – log file. Must be set for keys log[].
Text – text of unlimited size
Data type Data type is used for integer items in order to specify the expected data type:
Decimal – data in decimal format
Octal – data in octal format
Hexadecimal – data in hexadecimal format
Zabbix will automatically perform conversion to numeric.
This is supported starting from version 1.8.
Units If set, Zabbix will add the unit postfix to all received values.
Till Zabbix 1.8.2, default multiplier is 1024, and some units have special processing:
b, bps – 1000 is 1K, special processing for bits.
Since Zabbix 1.8.2, default multiplier is 1000, and special processing is used for units B, where multiplier is 1024.
For example, if units are set to B, Zabbix will display:
1 as 1B
1024 as 1KB
1536 as 1.5KB
unixtime – translated to “ hh:mm:ss”. To translate correctly, the received value must be a Numeric (unsigned) type of information.
uptime – translated to “hh:mm:ss” or “N days, hh:mm:ss”
s – translated to “yyy mmm ddd hhh mmm sss ms”, parameter is treated as number of seconds. Only 3 upper major units are shown, like “1m 15d 5h” or “2h 4m 46s”. If there are no days to display, only two levels are displayed – “1m 5h” (no minutes, seconds or milliseconds are shown). Will be translated to ”< 1 ms” if the value is less than 0.001.
Use multiplier Pre-process received values.
Do not use – do not pre-process received values
Custom multiplier – multiply received values by value defined in Custom multiplier
Use this option to convert values received in KB, MBps, etc into B, Bps. Otherwise Zabbix cannot correctly set prefixes (K, M, G etc).
Custom multiplier Multiply all received value by this integer or floating-point value.
Update interval (in sec) Refresh this item every N seconds.
Note: If set to '0', the item will not be polled. However, if a flexible interval also exists with a non-zero value, the item will be polled during the flexible interval duration.
Flexible intervals List of exceptions for Update Interval. For example:
Delay: 10 Period: 1-5,09:00-18:00 – refresh set to 10 seconds for working hours. Otherwise default update interval will be used.
If multiple flexible intervals overlap, the smallest Delay value is used for the overlapping period.
See Time period specification page for description of Period format.
Note: If set to '0', the item will not be polled during the flexible interval duration and will resume polling according to the Update interval once the flexible interval period is over.
Keep history (in days) Keep detailed history for N days in the database. Older data will be removed by Housekeeper.
Keep trends (in days) Keep aggregated (hourly min, max, avg, count) detailed history for N days in the database. Older data will be removed by Housekeeper.
Status Active – active (normal) status. Zabbix will process this item.
Disabled – item is disabled. This item will not be processed.
Not supported – item is not supported by Zabbix or SNMP agent. This item will not be processed, however Zabbix may try to periodically set status of such items to Active if configured.
Store value As is – no pre-processing
Delta (speed per second) – evaluate value as (valueprev_value)/(timeprev_time), where
value – current value
value_prev – previously received value
time – current timestamp
prev_time – timestamp of previous value
This setting is extremely useful to get speed per second based on constantly growing value.
Note: If current value is smaller than the previous value, Zabbix discards that difference (stores nothing) and waits for another value. This helps to work correctly with, for instance, a wrapping (overflow) of 32-bit SNMP counters.
Delta (simple change) – evaluate as (valueprev_value), where
value – current value
value_prev – previously received value
Show value Apply value mapping to this item. Value mapping does not change received values, it is for displaying data only.
It works with integer items only.
For example, “Windows service states”.
Log time format Available for items of type Log only. Supported placeholders:
* y: Year (0001-9999)
* M: Month (01-12)
* d: Day (01-31)
* h: Hour (00-23)
* m: Minute (00-59)
* s: Second (00-59)
Leaving this field blank means don't try to parse the timestamp.
For example, consider the following line from the Zabbix agent log file:
” 23480:20100328:154718.045 Zabbix Agent started. Zabbix 1.8.2 (revision 11211).”
It begins with six character positions for PID, followed by date, time, and the rest of the line.
Log time format for this line would be “pppppp:yyyyMMdd:hhmmss”.
Note that “p” and ”:” chars are just placeholders and can be anything but “yMdhms”.
Applications Link item to one or more applications.

Up to version 1.8.1 Zabbix supports the following unit prefixes:

  • K (Kilo);
  • M (Mega);
  • G (Giga);
  • T (Tera);

Since version 1.8.2, additionally supported prefixes include:

  • P (Peta);
  • E (Exa);
  • Z (Zetta);
  • Y (Yotta);

See more details about items in other sections of the Manual.

Unit blacklist

By default, specifying a unit for an item will result in multiplier prefix being added – for example, value 2048 with unit B would be displayed as 2KB. For a pre-defined, hardcoded list of units this is prevented:

  • ms
  • RPM
  • rpm
  • %

Note that both lowercase and uppercase rpm (rpm and RPM) strings are blacklisted.

Mass-updating items

Mass update is a very effective way of changing attributes for a number of items at once.

To update some items, check them in the item list, then select “Mass update” in the dropdown below the item list and click on “Go”. A form is displayed where you can select what attributes for the items you want to update.

Check any parameter that you would like to change, enter a new value for it and press “Save”.

Copy selected to…

The function makes it possible to copy a selected item to a number of hosts.

To do so, mark the item in the list, then select “Copy selected to…” in the dropdown below the list and click on “Go”. A form is displayed where you can select the hosts to copy items to.

Select the hosts you would like to copy the items to and press “Copy”.

2.3.3 Triggers

Configuration → Hosts

Configuration → Templates

From the list of hosts or templates you can access the triggers that are linked to a host or template by clicking in the Triggers column.

On the triggers screen you can view and manage triggers.

A list of existing triggers is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Severity Coloured trigger severity.
Status Trigger status. Note that Disabled triggers are hidden by default.
Name Trigger name.
Expression Trigger expression.

Click on Create Trigger in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a trigger. If you wish to edit an existing trigger, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of a trigger.

Configuring a trigger

You can also create a new trigger from the existing one by pressing the Clone button and then saving under a different name.

Trigger attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Trigger name. The name may contain macros.
Expression Logical expression used for calculation of trigger state.
The trigger depends on List of triggers the trigger depends on.
New dependency Add new dependency.
Event generation Normal – events are generated normally, on trigger status change
Normal + Multiple PROBLEM events (Multiple TRUE events in 1.8.2 and before) – events are also generated on every PROBLEM evaluation of the trigger
Severity Trigger severity.
Comments Text field used to provide more information about this trigger. May contain instructions for fixing specific problem, contact detail of responsible staff, etc.
URL If not empty, the URL is used in the screen 'Status of Triggers'.
Disabled Trigger can be disabled if required.

See also more information about triggers.

Mass-updating triggers

Mass update is a very effective way of changing attributes for a number of triggers at once.

To update some triggers, check them in the list, then select “Mass update” in the dropdown below the trigger list and click on “Go”. A form is displayed where you can select what attributes for the triggers you want to update.

Check any parameter that you would like to change, enter a new value for it and press “Save”.

Copy selected to…

The function makes it possible to copy a selected trigger to a number of hosts.

To do so, mark the trigger in the list, then select “Copy selected to…” in the dropdown below the list and click on “Go”. A form is displayed where you can select the hosts to copy triggers to.

Select the hosts you would like to copy triggers to and press “Copy”.

2.3.4 Graphs

Configuration → Hosts

Configuration → Templates

From the list of hosts or templates you can access the graphs that are linked to a host or template by clicking in the Graphs column.

On the graphs screen you can manage custom graphs.

A list of existing custom graphs is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Graph name.
Width Graph width in pixels.
Height Graph height in pixels.
Graph type Graph type:
Configuring a graph

Click on Create Graph in the upper right corner of the screen in the graph list if you wish to add a graph. If you wish to edit an existing graph, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can configure a graph.

You can also create a new graph from the existing one by pressing the Clone button and then saving under a different name.

Graph attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Unique graph name.
Width Graph width in pixels.
Height Graph height in pixels.
Graph type Graph type:
Normal – normal graph, values displayed as lines.
Stacked – stacked graph.
Pie – pie graphs.
Exploded – exploded pie graph.
Show working time If selected, non-working hours will be shown with gray background. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs.
Show triggers If selected, simple triggers will be displayed as red lines. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs.
Percentile line (Left) Display percentile for left Y axis. Normally used for displaying 95% percentile. Only available for normal graphs.
Percentile line (Right) Display percentile for right Y axis. Normally used for displaying 95% percentile. Only available for normal graphs.
Y axis MIN value Type of Y axis:
Calculated – Y axis value will be automatically calculated
Calculated [min=0] – Y min value is set to 0, maximum value will be automatically calculated.
Fixed – fixed min and max value for Y axis. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs.
Y axis MAX value Type of Y axis:
Calculated – Y axis value will be automatically calculated
Calculated [min=0] – Y min value is set to 0, maximum value will be automatically calculated.
Fixed – fixed min and max value for Y axis. Not available for pie and exploded pie graphs.
3D view Enable 3D style. For pie and exploded pie graphs only.
Legend Display legend. For pie and exploded pie graphs only.
Items List of graph elements (items) to be displayed for this graph.

Graph element:

Attributes of a graph element:

Parameter Description
Parameter Selection of host item, which will be displayed.
Type Type (only available for normal graphs):
Function What values will be displayed when more than one value exists for a single pixel (X-coordinate):
all – all (minimum, average and maximum)
min – minimum only
avg – average only
max – maximum only
Draw style Draw style (only available for normal graphs; for stacked graphs filled region is always used):
Line – draw lines
Filled region – draw filled region
Bold line – draw bold lines
Dot – draw dots
Dashed line – draw dashed line
Colour RGB colour in HEX notation.
Aggregated periods count
Y axis side Which Y axis side the element is assigned to.
Sort order (0→100) Draw order, 0 will be processed first.

Below the graph preview is displayed. Note that it will not show any data for template items.

3 triggers is the hard-coded limit for the number of triggers displayed in the graph legend.

2.3.5 Template linkage

Starting with Zabbix 1.8, template linkage to hosts can be managed in Configuration→Templates.

2.3.6 Proxies

Starting with Zabbix 1.8, proxy management is available at Administration→DM.

2.4 Web monitoring

Configuration → Web

On this screen you can manage scenarios for web monitoring.

A list of the active scenarios is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Unique name of the web scenario.
Number of steps Number of individual steps (HTTP requests) the scenario consists of.
Update interval Frequency of execution of the web scenario.
Status Status of the scenario:
Active – the scenario is active
Disabled – the scenario is disabled. Note that disabled scenarios are not displayed by default in the main screen.

Click on Create scenario in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a scenario. If you wish to edit an existing scenario, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit the parameters of a web scenario.

Configuring a web scenario

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Application Host application the scenario is linked to.
Name Unique name of the web scenario.
Update interval (in sec) Frequency of execution of the web scenario.
Agent Client agent string. Zabbix will pretend that it is Firefox, MS Explorer or any other application.
Useful when a website returns different content for different browsers.
Status Status of the scenario:
Active – the scenario is active
Disabled – the scenario is disabled. Note that disabled scenarios are not displayed by default in the main screen.
Variables List of variables (macros) to be used in scenario steps (URL and Post variables).
They have the following format:
For example:
The macros can be referenced as {username} and {password}. Zabbix will automatically replace them with actual values.
Steps List of steps executed by the scenario, displaying:
Name – step name
Timeout – timeout
URL – location to connect to
Required – required string
Status – step status

To add a web scenario step, click on the Add button next to Steps. A form will open where you can define the parameters of an individual web scenario step.

Configuring a web scenario step

Configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
Name Unique step name.
URL URL to connect to and retrieve data. For example:
Post List of POST variables. GET variables can be passed in the URL parameter.
Timeout Zabbix will not spend more than the set amount of seconds on processing the URL.
Required Required string. Retrieved content (HTML) must contain this string, otherwise the step will fail.
If empty, no check is performed.
Status codes List of expected HTTP codes. If Zabbix gets a code which is not in the list, the step will fail.
If empty, no check is performed.
For example: 200,201,210-299

See also this section for more information about web monitoring.

2.5 Actions

Configuration → Actions

On this screen you can set up and manage actions.

A list of existing actions is displayed. Actions are displayed by the event source: Triggers/Discovery/Auto registration. Use the dropdown menu in the upper right corner to switch between various sources.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Action name.
Conditions List of conditions for this action.
Operations List of operations for execution.
Status Status of the action.

Click on Create Action in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add an action. If you wish to edit an existing action, click on its name in the host list. A form is displayed where you can edit details of an action.

Configuring an action

More configuration options are available if escalation is enabled:

See more details about configuration of actions, conditions and operations in other sections of the Manual.

2.6 Screens

Configuration → Screens

On this screen you can set up and manage screens.

A list of existing screens is displayed.

Parameter Description
Name Screen name.
Dimension (cols x rows) Screen size, number of columns and rows.

Click on Create Screen in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a screen. If you wish to edit the elements of an existing screen, click on its name in the list. If you wish to edit high-level information of an existing screen, click on the Edit button. A form is displayed where you can edit a screen.

Configuring a screen (high-level)

Screen high-level attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Unique screen name.
Columns Number of columns in the screen.
Rows Number of rows in the screen.
Configuring screen elements

You can configure what will be displayed in each element (cell) of a screen.

Click on a screen element (cell) and a form will be displayed where you can edit the attributes of an element.

Screen element attributes:

Parameter Description
Resource Information displayed in the cell:
Clock – digital or analog clock displaying current server or local time
Data overview – latest data for a group of hosts
Graph – single custom graph
History of actions – history of recent actions
History of events – latest events
Hosts info – high level host related information
Map – single map
Plain text – plain text data
Screen – screen (one screen may contain other screens inside)
Server info – server high-level information
Simple graph – single simple graph
Triggers info – high level trigger related information
Triggers overview – status of triggers for a host group
URL – include content from an external resource
Horizontal align Possible values:
Vertical align Possible values:
Column span Extend cell to a number of columns, same way as HTML column spanning works.
Row span Extend cell to a number of rows, same way as HTML row spanning works.

Dynamic elements

For some of the elements there is an extra option called Dynamic item. Checking this box at first does not to seem to change anything.

However, once you go to Monitoring → Screens, you may realize that now you have extra dropdowns there for selecting the host. Thus you have a screen where some elements display the same information while others display information depending on the currently selected host.

The benefit of this is that you do not need to create extra screens just because you want to see the same graphs containing data from various hosts.

Dynamic item option is available for several screen elements:

  • Graphs (custom graphs)
  • Simple graphs
  • Plain text

Clicking on a dynamic graph opens it in full view; although with custom graphs that is supported with the default host selected only.

2.7 Maps

Configuration → Maps

On this screen you can manage user-defined maps.

A list of existing maps is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Map name
Width Map width in pixels.
Height Map height in pixels.

Click on Create Map in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a map. If you wish to edit the elements of an existing map, click on its name in the list. If you wish to edit high-level information of an existing map, click on the Edit button. A form is displayed where you can configure a user-defined map.

Configuring a map (high-level)

Map high-level attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Unique map name.
Width Map width in pixels.
Height Map height in pixels.
Background image Use background image:
No image – no background image (white background)
Image – selected image to be used as a background image. No scaling is performed.
Icon highlighting Map elements will receive highlighting. If element has an active trigger, round background will be used, having same colour as the highest severity trigger. If element status is “disabled” or “in maintenance”, square background will be used. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.
Mark elements on trigger status change Elements that have a trigger status recently changed will be highlighted with markers. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.3.
Expand single problem If a map element (host, host group or another map) has a single problem, this option controls whether problem (trigger) name is printed, or problem count. If marked, problem name is used. This option is available since Zabbix 1.8.1. For upgrades from previous installations it is enabled by default on all maps.
Icon label type Label type used for all map icons:
Label – icon label only
IP address – IP address only
Element name – element name (for example, host name)
Status only – status only (OK or PROBLEM)
Nothing – no icon labels are displayed
Icon label location Display icon label on:
Bottom – bottom (under the icon)
Left – left side
Right – right side
Top – top of the icon
Configuring a map element

To add an element to the map, click on the ”+” next to Icon. The new element will appear at the top left corner of the map. Now you can drag and drop it on a desired place on the map. By clicking on the element, a form is displayed where you can edit the attributes of the element – its type, label, icon type etc.

Map element attributes:

Parameter Description
Type Type of the element:
Host – icon representing status of all triggers of the selected host
Map – icon representing status of all elements of a map
Trigger – icon representing status of a single trigger
Host group – icon representing status of all triggers of all hosts belonging to
Image – an icon, not linked to any resource
Label Icon label, any string.
Macros and multi-line string can be used in labels starting from version 1.8
Label location Label location:
Default – Map's default label location
Bottom – bottom (under the icon)
Left – left side
Right – right side
Top – top of the icon
Host Status of triggers for the selected host will be used.
Map Status of all elements for the selected map will be used.
Trigger Status of the selected trigger will be used.
Host group Status of all triggers for the selected host group will be used.
Icon (ok) Icon to be used when no problem exists.
Icon (problem) Icon to be used in case of problems (one or more).
Icon (unknown) Icon to be used if the selected host is in an unknown state.
Icon (disabled) Icon to be used if the selected host is disabled.
Coordinate X X coordinate for the map element.
Coordinate Y Y coordinate for the map element.
URL If set, the URL will be used when a user clicks on the screen element.

Configuring a link

To link two elements in the map, select them both and click on the ”+” next to Link. A form is displayed where you can click on the respective link and edit its attributes.

Map link attributes:

Parameter Description
Label Label that will be rendered on top of the link. You can use macros here.
Element 1 First element that link connects.
Element 2 Second element that link connects.
Link status indicators List of triggers linked to the link. In case if a trigger has status PROBLEM, its style is applied to the link.
Type (OK) Default link style:
Line – single line
Bold line – bold line
Dot – dots
Dashed line – dashed line
Colour (OK) Default link colour.

2.8 Discovery

Configuration → Discovery

On this screen you can manage discovery rules.

A list of existing discovery rules is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Name of discovery rule.
IP range Range of IP addresses affected by the discovery rule.
Delay Frequency in seconds.
Checks List of checks executed by the discovery rule.
Status Status of the discovery rule:
Active – the rule is active
Disabled – the rule is disabled

Click on Create rule in the upper right corner of the screen if you wish to add a discovery rule. If you wish to edit an existing discovery rule, click on its name in the list. A form is displayed where you can edit the parameters of a discovery rule.

Configuring a discovery rule

Discovery rule attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Unique name of the discovery rule.
Discovery by proxy Who performs discovery:
(no proxy) – Zabbix server is doing discovery
proxy name – This proxy performs discovery
IP range Range of IP addresses for discovery. Format:
Single IP:
Range of IP addresses:
CIDR notation:
Delay (seconds) This parameter defines how often Zabbix should execute this rule in seconds.
Checks List of supported checks:
SSH, LDAP, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, POP, NNTP, IMAP, TCP, Zabbix agent, SNMPv1 agent, SNMPv2 agent, SNMPv3 agent, ICMP ping

Port range may be: single port (22), a range of ports (22-45) or a list (22-45,55,60-70)

Device uniqueness criteria If Zabbix will discover another device for which value, retrieved from the check that is specified as Device uniqueness criteria, it will be considered to be already discovered and new host will not be added
Status Status of the discovery rule:
Active – the rule is active
Disabled – the rule is disabled

2.9 IT Services

Configuration → IT Services

On this screen you can manage IT Services.

A list of existing IT Services is displayed.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Service Service name.
Status calculation How the service updates its status.
Trigger Linked to a trigger:
none – no linkage
trigger name – linked to the trigger, thus depends on the trigger status
Configuring an IT Service

IT Service attributes:

Parameter Description
Name Service name.
Parent service Parent service. For reference only, it cannot be changed.
Depends on List of child services the service depends on.
Status calculation algorithm How to calculate status of the service:
Do not calculate – do not calculate service status
Problem, if it least one child has a problem – considered to be a problem if at least one child service has a problem
Problem, if all children have problems – considered to be a problem if all child services have problems
Calculate SLA Select to display SLA data.
Acceptable SLA (in %) SLA percentage for this service. It is used for reporting.
Service times By default, all services are expected to operate 24x7x365. Add new service times to make exceptions.
New service time Service times:
One-time downtime – a single downtime. Service state within this period does not affect SLA.
Uptime – service uptime
Downtime – Service state within this period does not affect SLA.
Link to trigger Services of the lowest level must be linked to triggers.
Sort order Display sort order, lowest comes first.

2.10 Export/Import

Starting with Zabbix 1.8.3, this section has been removed. Import and export controls now are available in corresponding configuration pages (hosts, templates, maps or screens).

2.10.1 Export

The screen is used to export hosts, items, triggers and graphs.


The screen provides list of hosts and their elements for export.

Select elements you would like to export, then press “Preview” or “Export”.

Displayed data:

Parameter Description
Name Host name.
DNS Host DNS name.
IP IP address of Zabbix agent.
Port Zabbix agent port number.
Status Host status.
Templates Select to export template related information.
Items Select to export host items.
Triggers Select to export host triggers.
Graphs Select to export host graphs.

Preview page:

2.10.2 Import

The screen is used to perform XML import of host related data.

Import process options:

Parameter Description
Import file XML file to import.
Rules Set of rules for each type of element:
Existing – what to do if element already exists
Missing – what do to if element is missing
Possible actions:
Update – update existing element
Add – add element
Skip – do not process new data

Press “Import” to import selected file.

Data source: Zabbix

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