Amit Shah predicts further erosion of Congress post assembly polls(Uapdate)

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Jind (Haryana), Aug. 16 (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah today claimed that the Congress Party would witness further decline in the coming days post-assembly elections. Predicting dire straits for the ruling Bhupinder Singh Hooda-led Congress Government in the state, he added, “Soon the Congress will have to put out an advertisement to look for candidates for polls, such is their situation.” Shah is in Haryana’s Jind District today to address a rally, where he was also presented with a sword and a mace. Welcoming rebel Congress leader Chaudhary Birendra Singh into the BJP, Shah told the crowd, “BJP will not allow any tragedy or a comedy to take place with Birendra Singh.” Drawing a thunderous applause, he added, “If the Congress cannot keep Birendra Singh in its fold, then it will also not be able to stay on in power in the state.” Hailing the contribution of Haryana since times immemorial, Shah said that under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP’s clarion call of rooting out the Congress was realized in the Lok Sabha elections, and this would also be seen in the state elections.


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