Chinese police shoot dead dozens after attack in Xinjiang

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By Ben Blanchard BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese police shot dead dozens of knife-wielding attackers on Monday morning after they staged assaults on two towns in the western region of Xinjiang, the official Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday. A gang armed with knives had first attacked a police station and government offices in the town of Elixku, in Shache county, it said, quoting local police. The dead and injured include not just Uighurs but members of China’s majority Han Chinese population, the report said. The U.S.-based Rebiya Kadeer, president of the exiled World Uyghur Congress (Eds:Correct), called for restraint, saying in a statement that she was worried “China will use this incident to step up repression, causing more people to loose their freedom.” The attack took place at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which officials had tried to get Muslims in Xinjiang to ignore, in an indication of what rights groups say is discrimination targeting the Uighurs.


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