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DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS is an Indian Forest Services officer. DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS biography is available online. DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS biography can be viewed by following below 5 steps:

1.Go to http://ifs.nic.in/ExRecSheet.aspx
2.Enter last name or full name of ‘DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS’ in the Name text box
3.Enter captcha code and click ‘Detailed Report’ button
4.Click ‘Ifscode’ link
5.Complete biography of DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS officer would be displayed

IFS also stands for Indian Foreign Services, but DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH is not a Foreign Services Officer but a Forest Services Officer. Indian Forest Services department is less known when compared to IAS and IPS but they do an important work of taking care of India’s Forest wealth.

IAS and IPS officers are daily in news but IFS officers are rarely in news. Lot of smuggling and poaching happens in forests of India. In last few years Indian government has become more stringent against poaching actvities. Hope forest officers like DR. ASHOK PRATAP SINGH IFS are doing their positive contribution in containing poaching and smuggling activities.

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