By Nita Bhalla NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The new government’s budget shows no real commitment towards the environment and is not transformational because it does not allocate enough funds towards promoting renewable energy or public transport and appears to favour corporates over people, environmentalists said on Friday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, which swept to power in May, said on Thursday that it would invest in very large solar power projects and establish a fund to help farmers adapt to changing weather patterns as a result of climate change. “The steps on renewable energy and energy efficiency are not transformational and the attempt to force fit coal production to clear the irrational power proposals, is a signal that the reality of climate change has far from been recognised by this government,” said Vinuta Gopal, head of climate and energy at Greenpeace India.
Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/environmentalists-unimpressed-pro-corporate-budget-013312928.html