Erdogan, launching presidential bid, vows “pioneering new Turkey”

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Turkey's Prime Minister and presidential candidate Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a meeting to launch his election campaign in Istanbul

By Humeyra Pamuk and Ece Toksabay ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Tayyip Erdogan outlined his vision for a “pioneering new Turkey” on Friday, pledging to re-write the constitution, forge a more prominent role on the world stage and deepen democracy if he becomes the country’s first popularly-elected president. Launching his campaign for an August election he is almost certain to win, the man who has dominated Turkish politics for more than a decade cast his bid for the presidency as part of a historic path of change, breaking the shackles of a status quo he said had held Turkey back for decades. “The old Turkey is in the past now. The gates of the old Turkey are closed.


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