Ex-PM Manmohan Singh says no files were sent from PMO to Sonia

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New Delhi, July 31 (ANI): Dismissing former union minister K. Natwar Singh’s bombshell about Congress president Sonia Gandhi in his autobiography, former prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has categorically stated that no files were sent from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to Gandhi’s 10 Janpath residence for clearance during his tenure. Natwar Singh has reportedly given an explosive interview to Headlines Today on his memoirs “One Life Is Not Enough: An Autobiography” in which he details his public life with some focus on Sonia Gandhi. Natwar Singh has claimed in the interview that Congress president Sonia Gandhi did not become prime minister in 2004 because her son Rahul Gandhi said he will not allow it since he felt she would be killed like his father, former PM Rajiv Gandhi.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/ex-pm-manmohan-singh-says-no-files-were-125151543.html

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