The action-drama ‘Singham Returns‘ released in last week is still ruling at the box office and August 22 saw one more action-drama ‘Mardaani‘ hitting the silver screens. This production venture by Yash Raj Films featured Rani Mukherjee as fierce Crime Branch officer Shivani Shivaji Roy. The movie was successfully promoted in various social platforms and was expected to do well at the ticket window.
The real scene was different than the expected one, as ‘Mardaani‘ had a low start on its opening day, as per the report. The occupancy recorded by the film on day one was merely 15 to 20%. The film received lukewarm response in Mumbai, South, North and Central India. The evening shows are anticipated to have better picture at cinema halls.
Apart from gaining applause for stellar performance of Rani Mukherjee and multiple positive reviews from the critics, the film needs to have a powerful push. ‘Mardaani‘ directed by Pradeep Sarkar, is expected to collect 3.90 to 4 crore nett approximately on the first day of its release.
‘Mad About Dance‘, ‘Life Is Beautiful!‘, ‘Katiyabaaz‘ and ‘Mumbhai Connection‘ were the other releases on August 22. They proved a complete washout and had very limited shows only in the multiplexes.