India bats for deepening its ties with ASEAN

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Nay Pyi Taw (Myanmar), Aug. 9 (ANI): India today called for strengthening connectivity within the ASEAN group to a new level to further boost trade and people-to-people contact and sought for further deepening of ties. Addressing a gathering of the ASEAN countries here, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said, “To my mind, connectivity, trade and investment can bring about a seamless integration of our economic space and enable us to optimize our human and resource potential. I hope that our Economic and Trade Ministers will be able to sign the FTA() on Services and Investment when they meet later this month and also agree on the modalities for setting up a dedicated ASEAN India Trade and Investment Centre.” “We have suggested that India, Myanmar and Thailand begin negotiations on a Transit Transport Agreement at the earliest so that this can be concluded by the time the Trilateral Highway completes in 2016,” she added. “The ACCC-India meeting and Working Groups suggested by it should inform the AISOM () on how ASEAN and India can identify the SEZs or economic nodes along their connectivity corridors of road, rail and sea.


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