Insight – Nigeria opens long-awaited battle of ideas against Boko Haram

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A 'Bring Back Our Girls' campaigner addresses supporters at the Unity Fountain, on the 100th day of the abductions of more than 200 school girls by the Boko Haram, in Abuja

By Tim Cocks KADUNA Nigeria (Reuters) – In classrooms facing a sandy courtyard in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna, Maska Road Islamic School teaches a creed that condemns the violent ideology of groups like Boko Haram. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, known as the “Pants Bomber”, spent his youth in this school – and ended up trying unsuccessfully to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day 2009 with explosives hidden in his underwear. “We teach them that what they (Boko Haram) are doing is a total misunderstanding of the Islamic religion, that Prophet Mohammed was compassionate, he even lived together with the non-Muslims in Medina,” said headmaster Sulaiman Saiki. Koranic schools like Maska Road will be a pillar of the strategy being launched in September to counter Boko Haram’s ideology.


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