‘Mission Blue’ film charts scientist’s quest to save oceans

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By Patricia Reaney NEW YORK (Reuters) – From the Galapagos Islands to Australia’s Coral Sea and a marine park off the coast of Mexico, the documentary “Mission Blue” navigates the journey of renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle as she travels the globe to save the planet’s threatened seas. With stunning underwater footage, the film that airs on Friday on the online streaming service Netflix and in selected U.S. theaters, shows the devastating impact of pollution, overfishing and climate change on the oceans through the eyes of the renowned scientist, explorer and author who has been charting it for decades. “I really wanted to make people aware of this woman and her life because she is such an incredible person and has dedicated so much of her life towards the ocean,” Fisher Stevens, 50, who co-directed the film with Robert Nixon, said in an interview. Stevens, an actor and producer of the 2010 Oscar-winning dolphin-hunting documentary “The Cove,” met Earle, 78, while filming her trip to the Galapagos Islands with scientists, explorers and policy makers more than four years ago.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/mission-blue-film-charts-scientists-quest-save-oceans-174637581.html

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