It’s been more than a year now, since Anushka Sharma gave her last release. It’s not that the actress took a break, but she was busy with her upcoming projects. And finally, her hard work has paid off as she has back-to-back releases this year. But to avoid the clutter the actress has planned a way out by to postponing the release date of her first production venture ‘NH10‘ to early next year, reportedly.
This year, the actress already has two big films, namely, Rajkumar Hirani‘s ‘Peekay‘ and Anurag Kashyap‘s ‘Bombay Velvet‘ in her kitty and also to avoid the cut-throat competition with other big budget films lined up this year. The actress and her team took this smart decision of postponing the release date of ‘NH10‘.
Must say, Anushka is playing smart-n-safe when it comes to her production venture ‘NH10‘!