Obama eats ribs with 4 Kansas City letter writers

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Girls from a student sports team react as President Barack Obama greets patrons at Arthur Bryant's Barbeque restaurant Tuesday, July 29, 2014. Obama went to the restaurant to meet with four Kansas City residents who wrote him letters. According to the White House the Kansas City letter writers include a man who thanked Obama for student loan help he received, a single mother who described her challenges raising children and running a business, a teacher in a GED program and a woman who is active in her neighborhood association. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — President Barack Obama feasted on barbecue Tuesday with four people who wrote him letters in a trip to highlight the struggles of working families in American’s heartland, as the clock ticked on pressing issues before Congress goes on summer break.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/obama-eats-ribs-4-kansas-city-letter-writers-015931053–politics.html

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