Obama to Republicans: ‘Stop just hatin’ all the time’

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U.S. President Barack Obama talks about the economy at the Uptown Theater in Kansas City

By Roberta Rampton KANSAS CITY Mo (Reuters) – President Barack Obama took his criticism of congressional Republicans to a higher pitch on Wednesday, appealing to them to “stop just hatin’ all the time” even as Republicans prepared to sue him over charges he has overstepped the bounds of his office. Republicans in the House of Representatives were expected to vote on Wednesday to authorize a lawsuit against the president for exceeding his presidential authority while implementing the Affordable Care Act, his signature health care law. Stop — stop — stop just hatin’ all the time,” he said of Republicans, drawing loud cheers from a raucous crowd of about 1,500 in an ornate theater in Kansas City. While the lawsuit would focus on the health law, Republicans have complained that Obama’s use of executive actions to take other steps, such as raising the minimum wage for federal workers, risks giving him “king-like authority.” Obama disparaged the expected lawsuit as nothing but election-year political theater and a distraction from issues such as highway construction or the southwestern border crisis.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/obama-republicans-stop-just-hatin-time-184955340.html

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