Political parties condemn Shiv Sena MPs for ‘forcing’ Muslim staffer to break fast

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New Delhi, July 23 (ANI): Leaders of various political outfits cut across party lines on Wednesday to condemn Shiv Sena MPs for allegedly abusing and forcing a Muslim catering supervisor at the Maharashtra Sadan to break his Ramzan fast and eat a chapatti. “The MPs should tender a public apology, there is no place for this kind of majoritarianism,” said Congress leader Manish Tewari. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Majid Memon said an investigation must take place in the case and strict action should be taken against people involved. “Shiv Sena isn’t a responsible party and it has always been a group of anti-social people,” added NCP general secretary Tariq Anwar.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/political-parties-condemn-shiv-sena-mps-forcing-muslim-081844767.html

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