Rahul Gandhi’s communal remarks will cause problems for the Congress, warns BJP

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New Delhi, Aug. 9 (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi warned Saturday that Congress Party vice president Rahul Gandhi’s “communal riots remark” in Uttar Pradesh could have a negative rebounding impact on that party itself. Naqvi told ANI, “Rahul Gandhi should understand that he should stop using his political secularism formula. People have rejected them and still they are not able to understand that.” Another BJP leader Siddharth Nath Singh said, “In Uttar Pradesh, it has been the policy of the SP and the Congress to go for vote-bank politics.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/rahul-gandhis-communal-remarks-cause-problems-congress-warns-075534489.html

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