Statistics “prove” Premier League progress

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Manchester City's manager Manuel Pellegrini (R) stands next to the English Premier League trophy before their English Premier League victory parade in Manchester

By Michael Hann LONDON (Reuters) – English soccer has always been renowned for its pace, power and tough-tackling but new research appears to quantify the idea that current Premier League teams are playing a different game now than as recently as six years ago. A study conducted by the University of Sunderland and Chris Barnes, the Head of Sports Science at West Bromwich Albion, analysed the physical and technical performance levels of more than 1,000 Premier League players over 23,000 “match observations”. Titled, “The Evolution of Physical and Technical Performance Parameters in the English Premier League,” the study showed that players in the 2012/13 season produced 40 percent more passes with a greater success rate than in 2006/07. “We can clearly see the evolution within the game between 2006/07 and 2012/13,” Paul Bradley from the University of Sunderland said.


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