When I was in India one of my friends who had work experience in Infosys and Amdocs informed that how Telugu speaking diaspora in America would group against other linguistic groups and take advantage of their existing presence in America.
I arrived to America almost 2 years back and saw this exact thing happening. I saw how Telugu speaking diaspora would fake interviews, in projects and team they group against those who had legitimately cleared the interviews.
Most of the Indian Americans are aware of this and I think we all need to speak up against this and let our Telugu brothers know that what they are doing is wrong, this is only creating a bad image about people from Andhra.
If you have ever faced such a discrimination at your work place I would suggest you speak to HR immediately. In last two years I personally had two such incidents. Let us know not bear this non sense groupism from our own country people.
If you ever had any such discrimination at your work place, please mail us the incident via our contact page, we would publish your incident on our website.