V. O. C. NAGAR Station Code IRCTC March 31, 2014 Raj IRCTC Station Codes 0 Please Like Us!!! DesiGoogly.com > IRCTC Station Codes > V. O. C. NAGAR Station Code IRCTC V. O. C. NAGAR Station is one of the many railway stations of India. V. O. C. NAGAR Station Code IRCTC: VOC. V. O. C. NAGAR Station is located in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is covered by SR/Southern railways. It is at an elevation of 5 India Station Codes ListIndian Station Codes ListIRCTC V. O. C. NAGAR Station CodeV. O. C. NAGAR IRCTC Station CodeV. O. C. NAGAR Station Code IRCTCV. O. C. NAGAR Station IRCTC CodeReviews & Comments