K. Narayanaswamy Aiyer was a notable author from India. He is well known for his literary works in the field of spirituality. He was son of Krishnaswami Aiyer. He was born at Kazhukanimattam Village, Tanjavur District, South India, in the year 1854. He was the second of four brothers. One of his brother the late K. Veeraswami Aiyer was a prominent lawyer of Tiruvarur and another an engineer of the Public Works Department of the Government.
He was educated at his village school in Kazhukanimattam and later at the Kumbakonam Town High School and at the Kumbakonam Government Arts College. He was a first grade pleader at Kumbakonam and made a reasonably prosperous living there. He had a son and two daughters.
He joined The Theosophical Society during the presidentship of Col. H. S. Olcott and travelled very widely all over India including far places like Kabul and Srinagar, at a time when communications were poorly developed, spreading the message of The Theosophical Society.
His task was also to help in weaning away Indians from the Christian missionary influence and from an imitative way of life patterned on the West. His rare persuasiveness and lucidity of expression brought good results. His personal life as a real Sannyasin carried profound conviction everywhere. His scholarship in Sanskrit and English and his deep knowledge of his own and western religions earned for him a great measure of contemporary veneration.
He died in December 1918 at Pudukkottai on one of his lecture tours. An assiduous writer, his articles regularly appeared in The Theosophist then published from London.
He wrote six major books:
1) Hindu God Universal
2) Thirty Minor Upanishads
3) Thirty two Vidyas
4) Puranas in the Light of Modern Science
5) Yoga: Lower and Higher
6) A translation of Laghu Yoga Vasistha
A minor work which attracted attention particularly among Western scientists was Prof. Bergson and Hindu Vedanta which appeared in a pamphlet form.
Source: http://www.estudantedavedanta.net/laghu-yoga-vasishta-english-translation.pdf