Women’s Reservation Bill lapses

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New Delhi, Aug 14 (ANI): The Women’s Reservation Bill has lapsed after the bill, which was passed in the Rajya Sabha on March 9, 2010 and was sent for the approval of the Lok Sabha, was never taken up in the Lower House. Calling it “unfortunate”, Congress leader Manish Tewari told ANI, “It is unfortunate that it lapsed. Every attempt must be made to give Indian women their due in the system.” CPI leader Atul Kumar Anjan told ANI, “More than 10 years have passed since the bill was presented but it has still not been passed. The bill was envisaged first by CPI leader Geeta Mukherjee but since she passed away (in 2000), both the Congress and the BJP have been in power and both have talked about it, yet it has not been passed in the parliament.” Speaking to ANI, Congress leader Shobha Oza said, “We did not have the majority in the Lok Sabha to be able to pass it.

Source: https://in.news.yahoo.com/womens-reservation-bill-lapses-104018605.html

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