ZABBIX 2.4 – > Web scenario object

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> Web scenario object

The following objects are directly related to the webcheck API.

Web scenario

The web scenario object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
httptestid string (readonly) ID of the web scenario.
string ID of the host that the web scenario belongs to.
string Name of the web scenario.
agent string User agent string that will be used by the web scenario.
applicationid string ID of the application that the web scenario belongs to.
authentication integer Authentication method that will be used by the web scenario.

Possible values:
0 – (default) none;
1 – basic HTTP authentication;
2 – NTLM authentication.

delay integer Execution interval of the web scenario in seconds.

Default: 60.

http_password string Password used for authentication.

Required for web scenarios with basic HTTP or NTLM authentication.

http_proxy string Proxy that will be used by the web scenario given as http://[username[:password]@][:port].
http_user string User name used for authentication.

Required for web scenarios with basic HTTP or NTLM authentication.

nextcheck timestamp (readonly) Time of the next web scenario execution.
retries integer Number of times a web scenario will try to execute each step before failing.

Default: 1.

status integer Whether the web scenario is enabled.

Possible values are:
0 – (default) enabled;
1 – disabled.

templateid string (readonly) ID of the parent template web scenario.
variables string Web scenario variables.
string Renamed to variables.

Scenario step

The scenario step object defines a specific web scenario check. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
httpstepid string (readonly) ID of the scenario step.
string Name of the scenario step.
integer Sequence number of the step in a web scenario.
string URL to be checked.
httptestid string (readonly) ID of the web scenario that the step belongs to.
posts string HTTP POST variables as a string.
required string Text that must be present in the response.
status_codes string Ranges of required HTTP status codes separated by commas.
timeout integer Request timeout in seconds.

Default: 15.

variables string Scenario step variables.
string Renamed to httpstepid.

Data source: Zabbix

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