Dr. ADNAN LATIF LAHORE Pakistan Biography

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ADNAN LATIF is a doctor. ADNAN LATIF is registered with Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. ADNAN LATIF gender is Male.

Pakistan Medical Council has 99959 Male doctors and 73057 Female doctors. Pakistan Dental council has 14660 registered Dentists. Total count of doctors and dentists registered with Pakistan Medical and Dental Council is around 1,88,000 (One lakh eighty eight thousnad). It is a huge count for a small and developing country like Pakistan.

A lot of doctors in developing south asian countries run to rich western countries after their education. Western countries do not deserve hard working Asians.

Dr. ADNAN LATIF Profile:

Gender: Male


To view the complete biography details of ADNAN LATIF, follow below steps:
1.Go to Pakistan Medical and Dental Council website practitioner search
2.Enter ADNAN LATIF in Name field
3.Click Search
4.More registeration details like Father’s Name, Registeration Validity date would be displayed

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Reference: Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
