Cherian Thomas Biography Madras Medical Council

Cherian Thomas is a doctor. Cherian Thomas is registered with Madras Medical Council. Cherian Thomas complete profile, Cherian Thomas medical qualification and Cherian Thomas medical university details are available at Medical Council of India website.

Dr. Cherian Thomas profile can be viewed by following below steps:
1.Go to Medical Council of India Medical Register page by clicking Indian Medical Register link
2.Enter Cherian Thomas in Doctor Name text box
3.Click Submit
4.Click View under Action
5.Complete profile of Dr. Cherian Thomas would be displayed

Medical council of India would provide following details for Cherian Thomas: Registeration Number, Date of Registeration, Qualification of Dr. Cherian Thomas, University Name, Qualification Year, Year of Info. This is a good facility provided by Government of India where public can check the qualification details of their doctors.

I would recommend Medical Council of India to display any violations or awards related to any doctor publicly. In countries like Canada there are online facilities that allow you to see any violations related to the doctors.

India has around 12 lakh (1.2 million) doctors. It sounds a huge number, may be in some countries the overall population would be less than the number of doctors India has. Many of the Indian doctors who study from premiere institutes like AIIMS run to developed countries like America after few years. India has lost many skilled doctors to countries like America, England. Western countries do not deserve hard working Asians. Getting admission to a medical college is really difficult in India, many of Indian medical aspirants go to countries like Russia, Ukraine, China to get a Medical degree and then practice in India. You can check what country Dr. Cherian Thomas got his degree from at MCI website. In addition to Allopathic doctors, India has a huge population of Ayurvedic and Homeopathic doctors. India can really become a skill powerhouse if Indian young people continue to get these degrees.

Aspirants from countries like Nepal come to do their medical study in India. Legendary doctors like Dr. Sanduk Ruit has had their education in India. Let us hope Dr. Cherian Thomas values the responsibility he has and provides good service to the community and country. India has a central medical council named Medical Council of India and each state has its own Medical Council e.g. Gujarat Medical Council, Assam Medical Council. Every doctor practising in India has to be either registered with Medical Council of India or with one of the state Medical Council. All state Medical Councils share their registeration data with Medical Council of India. Medical Council of India is like the head of all state Medical Councils. Creating more medical colleges and adding more seats to existing colleges would allow more aspirants like Cherian Thomas to get their medical degree from India. In developed countries like United States anybody can pursue a Medical degree, the only thing is that getting a medical degree is very expensive.

Reference: Medical Council of India
