With United States announcing $10 Million (Approximately INR 50 Crores) bounty on Hafiz Saeed, India’s enemy number one could be nailed soon. Hafiz Saeed is belived to be the master mind behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Pakistan and Hafiz Saeed has repeatedly denied any links to Mumbai terror attacks. Announcement of bounty by US gives a new hope to India that strong action would be taken against Hafiz Saeed soon.
The announcement also brings another important question to limelight i.e. the inability of India to bring its enemies to justice. Dawood Ibrahim (Mastermind of 1993 Mumbai Blasts) and Syed Salahudeen (Leader of Hizbul Mujahideen) are still at large and believed to be enjoying VIP status in Pakistan. India has been repeatedly making diplomatic efforts to nail its enemies but no significant results have been achieved. This could be blamed to the lack of support from international community especially western powers who pursue the terror attacks on their land very rigorously but don’t give much importance to fatal attacks on other secular and peace loving countries.
The only option left for India apart from diplomatic efforts is to build their own financial and weaponary muscle, so that when the right time comes India can take bold steps and kill the enemies on a foreign land similar to what United States did in case of Osama Bin Laden.
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